't was the very beginning of April 1973, when I stumbled upon an old copper box in the attic of my grandfather's beetle farm in Kampenhout, a remote village in Flanders...
In the box I found a dusty set of rolled-up papers, with faintly inked music staves sketched on them, all covered with wildly scratched notes, dots, rests, sharps and flats and double flats...
On the cover page: "Symphonie n.11: Ad Futura", and at the bottom of the last page, an enigmatic signature of 3 faint letters: LvB... followed by the cryptic Latin inscription: Me fecit A.D. 1827...
47 years later, I finish today the patient notation effort to decode this mysterious score, and present it here to your attention. This music was refused or ignored by more than 50 established conductors of today, but luckily the Syldavian State Philharmonic Orchestra has agreed to give it a try.... Enjoy!
Your humble servant,
Dimitri Arnauts